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Donations are what allow Kingfisher First United Methodist Church to succeed in the numerous Ministries designated to help those in need. Donations are also one way the church can draw families into a closer relationship with God. Donations go towards worthwhile endeavors such as supplying local under privileges children with much needed school supplies, taking Youth members on field trips and camps, ministering to elderly shut-ins, assisting struggling families with utilities, etc.  God is generous and calls us to be as well.  In addition to giving through the worship offering plate, you may also help fund our many missions by mailing donations directly to the church.  You may, if you choose, specify in the memo line what mission you would like to support.  Donations can be mailed to:


Kingfisher First United Methodist Church

PO Box 165

Kingfisher, OK 73750


Many people choose to give financial gifts through their will or living trust. To speak with our Planned Giving Department, contact Rev. Dr. Jennifer Long at 405-375-3286.


In addition we want to encourage you to consider our online giving portal through the Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation.  By clinking on the link below you can give a one-time gift or a recurring gift to the church and its ministries.

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